SimStack 7 Segment Expansion Board
The SimStack 7 Segment Expansion Board will support up to 4 blocks of eight character 7 segment displays. This expansion board can also be used to support 8 x 8 LED dot matrix displays.
Supporting up to 32 7 segment characters, this board is very useful for customers who are building bespoke control panels.
The SimStack 7 Segment Expansion Board offers the flexibility of allowing the use of both common anode and common cathode displays. IDC ribbon cable connectors allow simple wiring and Simulator Solutions can supply a breakout board to suit most 7 segment display blocks.
As with all SimStack boards, this board is designed to stack onto of a SimStack Foundation Board or other SimStack Expansion boards

SimStack 7 Segment Expansion Board Features
- Support for up to 32, 7 segment characters, grouped in in blocks of 8
or - Support for 8 x 8 LED matrix displays
- Up to four 7 segment boards can be added to a single stack 1
- Use of the MAX7219 Multiplexing chip
- Common Cathode displays supported
- Independent dimming of each block
- Built in 5V supply
- Dimensions: 160mm wide, 32mm high & 15mm thick
Hardware Price from: US$180.00*
To purchase SimStack boards, request a quote or for more information please use our Contact Us form.
1 Total expansion capacity will vary depending on configuration