SimStack Synchro Expansion Board
The SimStack Synchro Expansion Board is unique in that it provides a direct digital interface to both Synchros and Resolvers. Up to two SimStack Synchro Expansion Boards can be added to a stack by stacking them onto a SimStack Foundation Board or other SimStack Expansion boards.
Each SimStack Synchro Board features 4 Rx channels and 2 Tx channels.
The SimStack Synchro Board can be configured to operate at most standard Synchro voltages and frequencies to provide a very broad range of support to Synchro and Resolver hardware. The SimStack Synchro Board can be used to read the position of synchros and resolvers in a simulator. It can also be used to drive Synchro based position indicators in a simulator, such as rudder repeaters, trim gauges and torque indicators.

SimStack Synchro Expansion Board Features
- 4 independent Synchro or Resolver Rx (Input) channels
- 2 Independent Synchro Tx (Output) channels
- Resolution accuracy (Tx & Rx) of 0.1 degrees
- Support for a wide variety of Synchro voltages and frequencies (6 – 32 VAC @ 400 Hz)
- Ability to run Tx bus & Rx bus on different voltages
- Available with Spring loaded connectors or optional Wago Pluggable Headers
Hardware Price from: US$300.00*
Complete Solutions from: US$450.00*
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